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If you've ever thought about diving into the world of cyber security but didn't know where to start, Lighthouse Labs has the perfect opportunity for you. In a digital age where security is paramount, the demand for skilled cyber security professionals is on the rise. With over 40,000 careers launched in tech across Canada, Lighthouse Labs is at the forefront of meeting this demand. The focus is on closing the skills gap and redefining the future of work, particularly in cyber security—a field that is increasing in demand as our world becomes more interconnected.

Lighthouse Labs offers a 12-week, full-time Cyber Security Program, and thanks to funding from Upskill Canada (powered by Palette Skills) and the Government of Canada, the Program is now available at a reduced tuition of $3,500, down from $14,000. This substantial reduction makes it an accessible pathway for Canadians interested in entering the Cyber Security field without any prior experience. The Program includes live online lectures, 1-on-1 mentorship, and a Career Services team dedicated to helping participants land their first job after completion.

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Get your shopping cart ready! If you've had your eye on something at Sephora Canada, you could soon get it at a discount.

Sephora Canada's spring sale is starting this week, offering discounts across the retailer's wide range of beauty products.

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With the much-anticipated April 8, 2024, solar eclipse on the horizon, the buzz for snagging those essential solar shades is hotter than ever. Libraries and other establishments that once offered free solar glasses are now depleted of stock, leaving many scrambling last-minute. But before you jump at those tempting online deals, let's talk about the real deal with counterfeit solar glasses. counterfeit shades are swarming the market, especially on those sketchy online platforms offering too-good-to-be-true prices. Not only do these shady shades fail to meet the ISO 12312-2 international standard, but they can also cause some serious, permanent damage to your eyes. Some of these fakes even sport a fake ISO stamp.

This is where PPE Supply Canada comes in, this Toronto-based company is your go-to source for authentic, ISO-certified, USA-made solar glasses. They've got the stamp of approval as a verified supplier of safe solar viewing filters from the American Astronomical Society. PPE Supply Canada provides quick and affordable shipping for their limited stock of genuine solar shades, with options for same-day delivery. They offer curbside pickup at their Liberty Village location and ship anywhere in Canada and the U.S. Partnering with trusted shipping companies, they ensure all orders are shipped the same business day, and they've extended pickup hours for the 2024 Eclipse event to 10 a.m. to 8 p.m, seven days a week.

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Bath and Body Works Canada has teamed up with Netflix and Shondaland for some new merch that'll have you feeling like the "Diamond of the Season," just like in Bridgerton.

On Monday, March 25, the new line of products debuted and there are some seriously cute names and pretty accessories that'll make you feel all kinds of regal.

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Amazon is having a spring sale right now that's offering discounts of up to 10%, 20%, 30% and even 70% off!

With this new Amazon Canada sale, you can save on electronics, food, household essentials, tools, clothing, beauty products, and more.

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